10 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Last Updated on May 29, 2023

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant
Chelsey Borson
Certified Baby Sleep Consultant
10 month old sleep schedule banner

As a parent, I understand the challenges that come with ensuring a good night's sleep for your little one. That's why I'm thrilled to share my insights on creating a solid 10-month-old sleep schedule in collaboration with Luna Leaps, your trusted baby sleep consultant company. At this stage of your baby's development, establishing a consistent sleep routine becomes crucial for their overall well-being and your sanity.

With years of experience and expertise, Luna Leaps has helped countless families achieve harmonious nights of rest. In this blog post, we'll explore the key elements of a 10-month-old sleep schedule, providing you with practical tips and proven strategies to optimize your baby's sleep patterns. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to a peaceful slumber for your little one!

What is a Sample 10 Month Old Sleep Schedule?

At 10 months old, your baby is rapidly growing and developing, and their sleep patterns are evolving too. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule becomes even more important during this stage. While every baby is unique and may have slightly different sleep needs, having a sample sleep schedule can serve as a helpful guideline for you to structure your little one's day.

Here's a sample 10-month-old sleep schedule that you can adapt to fit your baby's individual needs:

10 month old sleep schedule
7:00 amWake Up
8:30 amMorning Nap (1-2 hours)
10:30 amWake Up and Playtime
12:30 pmLunch
2:00 pmAfternoon Nap (1-2 hours)
4:00 pmWake Up and Snack
6:30 pmDinner
7:30 pmBedtime Routine (bath, story, etc.)
8:00 pmBedtime
Sample 10 Month Old Sleep Schedule with Naps and Wake Windows

Remember, this is just a general schedule and may vary depending on your baby's unique needs, preferences, and developmental stage. Some babies may need more or less sleep, so it's essential to observe your little one's cues and adjust the schedule accordingly.

Creating a consistent sleep routine is key to helping your baby establish healthy sleep habits. Be sure to incorporate calming activities before bedtime, such as a warm bath, reading a bedtime story, or gentle music. This signals to your baby that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Keep in mind that nap times and sleep durations may fluctuate as your baby goes through developmental milestones or experiences changes in their routine. It's essential to be flexible and adapt the schedule as needed while still providing a structured framework for your baby's sleep.

By following a sample 10-month-old sleep schedule and making adjustments based on your baby's cues, you can help promote healthy sleep habits and ensure your little one gets the rest they need for optimal growth and development.

What are Wake Windows for a 10 Month Old?

Wake windows play a vital role in maintaining a well-regulated sleep schedule for your 10-month-old. They refer to the duration of time your baby can comfortably stay awake before needing to rest again. Understanding and respecting your baby's wake windows can help prevent overtiredness, which can make it challenging for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

At 10 months old, most babies have a wake window of approximately 2.5 to 3.5 hours between naps. It's crucial to observe your little one's behavior and signs of sleepiness during this time. Yawning, rubbing their eyes, or becoming fussy can indicate that they're ready for some rest.

By keeping a close eye on your baby's wake windows and ensuring they get the opportunity to nap within the appropriate time frame, you can support their overall sleep quality and promote a smoother bedtime routine. Remember, every baby is unique, so it's essential to adjust the wake windows based on your little one's individual needs and cues.

What is a Nap Schedule 10 Month Old?

A well-structured nap schedule is crucial for ensuring that your 10-month-old gets the rest they need throughout the day. At this stage, most babies typically transition to two naps a day. However, it's important to remember that every baby is different, and some may still require three shorter naps.

A recommended nap schedule for a 10-month-old may include a morning nap around 8:30 am, lasting 1-2 hours, followed by an afternoon nap around 2:00 pm, also lasting 1-2 hours. These nap times provide a balance between allowing your little one to rest and ensuring they don't become overtired before bedtime.

It's important to establish a consistent routine for naps and create a sleep-conducive environment. Dim the lights, use white noise, and provide a comfortable sleeping space. Pay attention to your baby's cues, as they may indicate when they are ready for their naps.

By following a nap schedule tailored to your baby's needs, you can help ensure they receive adequate daytime rest, which promotes better overall sleep and supports their growth and development.

10 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule FAQ

Are you a new parent seeking guidance on establishing a sleep schedule for your 10-month-old? Check out these commonly asked questions to navigate this important stage of your baby's sleep routine.

How many naps should my 10-month-old take in a day?

Most 10-month-olds typically take two naps per day, but some may still require three shorter naps based on individual needs.

What is the ideal wake window for a 10-month-old?

The ideal wake window for a 10-month-old is generally around 2.5 to 3.5 hours between naps, but it may vary for each baby.

How long should each nap be at this age?

At 10 months old, naps typically range from 1 to 2 hours each, but individual variations in nap duration are common.

When should I establish a consistent bedtime for my 10-month-old?

It's recommended to establish a consistent bedtime for your 10-month-old between 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm, depending on their individual needs and preferences.

How can I help my baby transition from three naps to two?

To help your baby transition from three naps to two, gradually extend the wake windows, ensure engaging daytime activities, and offer a consistent sleep environment for smoother transitions.

What can I do if my 10-month-old refuses to nap?

If your 10-month-old refuses to nap, try adjusting their sleep environment, implementing a soothing naptime routine, and offering comfort and reassurance during naptime.

Is it normal for my baby's sleep patterns to change at this age?

Yes, it is normal for a 10-month-old's sleep patterns to change as they go through developmental milestones and their sleep needs evolve.

Should I follow a strict schedule or be flexible with nap times?

It's generally beneficial to have a consistent schedule, but being flexible with nap times to accommodate your baby's individual needs and cues can be helpful.

What can I do if my baby wakes up frequently during the night?

If your baby wakes up frequently during the night, try soothing techniques like comforting touch, a consistent bedtime routine, and addressing any potential underlying issues like hunger or discomfort.

How can I create a soothing bedtime routine for my 10-month-old?

To create a soothing bedtime routine for your 10-month-old, include activities like a warm bath, reading a bedtime story, gentle music, and dimming lights to signal winding down for sleep.

Can Luna Leaps Help with My 10 Month Old's Sleep Routine?

Yes, Luna Leaps can help with your 10-month-old's sleep schedule and for sleep training. Their expert baby sleep consultants provide guidance, personalized strategies, and support to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits for better rest and development. Contact us today!

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant

Chelsey Borson

Owner & Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Hi, I'm the founder of Luna Leaps. As a certified sleep consultant with the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, I bring expertise and compassion to helping families establish healthy sleep habits. As a mom of two, including one with special needs, I understand the struggles of sleepless nights and the toll it can take on the whole family. But with a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs, we can work together to improve sleep and overall well-being. Let's start this journey towards better sleep together.

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At Luna Leaps,  we're committed to helping your family achieve better sleep. Our expert baby sleep consultants provide personalized solutions to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits and wake up feeling refreshed.


Located in Los Angeles, CA and helping families nationwide.

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