14-15 Month-Old Sleep Regression

Last Updated on October 10, 2023

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant
Chelsey Borson
Certified Baby Sleep Consultant
child laying in bed with text overlay 14-15 month sleep regression

Is your once peaceful bedtime routine suddenly turning into a nightly struggle with your 14-15 month old toddler? If so, you're not alone. As a child nears this age, it's not uncommon for families to experience sleep troubles, often due to sleep regression. While many parents are left feeling frustrated and exhausted, there are definitely ways you can support your little one through this time so everyone gets the rest they need.

As a baby sleep consultant at Luna Leaps, I am here to take you through the ins and outs of what to expect from the 14-15 month sleep regression and how you can better support your baby for smoother nights. For a more tailored approach to your baby's needs, please feel free to contact me. Scroll on for more details on sleep!

What to Expect in 14-15 Month Sleep Regression?

When it comes to the 14-15 month sleep regression, there are several things you can anticipate. First, you might notice a shift in your little one's sleep patterns. This regression can lead to disruptions in nighttime sleep, with your child suddenly waking up more frequently during the night.

Additionally, daytime sleep may become more erratic, with shorter naps and increased resistance to falling asleep for naps.

It's important to understand that sleep regressions are temporary and typically last for a few weeks. During this phase, your child may display clinginess or increased fussiness, making bedtime routines more challenging.

Why do Babies have Sleep Regressions at 14-15 Months Old?

Sleep regressions in 14 to 15-month-old babies can be attributed to a combination of factors. First, your child is experiencing significant developmental milestones during this period, such as increased cognitive abilities and the development of motor skills like walking and running.

These milestones can lead to a surge in energy and excitement, potentially disrupting baby's sleep patterns. Additionally, separation anxiety may intensify at this age, making it challenging for your child to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night.

As your toddler transitions from two naps to one during the day, this adjustment can also impact their nighttime sleep. They may experience shorter naps or waking earlier in the morning. Changes in their bedtime routine or schedule can contribute to disrupted sleep as well.

Length of 14-15 Month Sleep Regression

The length of the 14 to 15-month sleep regression can vary from one child to another, as each child's sleep patterns and regression triggers are unique. However, on average, this regression period typically lasts up to a couple of weeks.

During this phase, you may notice changes in your child's sleep patterns, such as increased nighttime awakenings, shorter naps, or difficulties falling asleep. It's essential to remember that while sleep regressions can be challenging, they are usually temporary.

Tips for Surviving 14-15 Month Sleep Regression

Surviving the 14–15-month sleep regression can be challenging, but there are strategies to help your little one and you get through it.

  • Adjust Day-Time Sleep: Many parents find success in adjusting their children's nap times to ensure they're well-rested during the day. A nap transition may also take place during this time.

  • Create a Predictable Bedtime: Maintaining a consistent bedtime routine and offering comfort when your child wakes up during the night can help ease the transition.

  • Have Patience: It's also essential to be patient as your toddler learns new skills like walking, which can disrupt their sleep.

Most toddlers eventually settle into a more stable sleep pattern as they adapt to these changes, though some may benefit from the support of a Los Angeles Baby Sleep Coach.

14-to-15-Month-Old Sleep Regression FAQs

A 14 or 15-month sleep regression may be a cause of worry for most parents, especially first-timers. To help ease your mind, here are the most-asked questions that will help you ease those concerns and learn more about sleep regression.

Do All 14-15-month-old Babies Have Sleep Regression?

Not all 14 or 15-month-old babies will go through sleep regression, but for those who do, it can significantly impact their overall well-being. The experience varies among children, and while some may smoothly transition to a more stable sleep pattern, others might face challenges.

Most babies go through nap transitions and particular changes in their sleep cycle when they hit their 14th to 15th month. This, in turn, significantly affects the formation of sleep regression. But as with most infants who have undergone sleep issues during this age, a 14-month sleep schedule has done wonders for their overall sleep behavior.

When to Expect Recovery from 14-15 Month Sleep Regression?

Recovery from the 14 to 15-month sleep regression typically occurs within a few weeks to a month. Parents often notice their toddler gradually settling back into more consistent sleep patterns as their little one adapts to new habits and skills. Remember, every child is unique, so the exact duration of recovery may vary.

Can a Parent Prepare for 14-15 Month Sleep Regression?

The science of baby sleep suggests that parents can prepare for their 14 and 15-month-old's sleep regression. Understanding that it's a common phase, parents can create a consistent bedtime routine, adjust nap times and wake windows, and provide a comfortable sleeping environment.

You must recognize your child's need for a stable sleep schedule, especially during this crucial phase of physical growth. This stage also focuses on your child learning new skills. They can be better prepared to manage sleep regressions as a result.

Is the 14-15 Month Sleep Regression Preventable?

No, the 14-15 month sleep regression is not preventable. It's a phase that many toddlers go through as they develop new skills and abilities. Scientific studies emphasize that while it can't be prevented, having a consistent sleep schedule may address their sleep issues better.

Take, for example, a 15-month-old sleep schedule. This program helps infants and toddlers navigate through their sleeping patterns while facing their sleep regression issues by themselves and with much ease.

Can Sleep Training Occur during 14-15 Month Sleep Regressions?

Sleep training is indeed possible during the 14-15 month sleep regressions. Studies linking baby sleep to cognition and growth show that establishing consistent sleep routines and creating a conducive sleep environment can greatly help parents manage early morning waking, which is common during this stage.

By understanding your toddler's awake times and responding to their needs, you can navigate this regression phase and aid in healthy sleep habits. Remember, every child is different, so patience and adaptability are key when introducing sleep training methods during this period.

Will All 14-15-month-old Babies Have a Sleep Regression?

No, not all 14-15-month-old babies will experience a sleep regression. While some may go through this phase, others might not. Understanding baby sleep cues is crucial. Babies who are already experiencing regression can benefit from recognizing these cues and adjusting their sleep routines accordingly.

Why is my 14-15 Month Old Baby Not Sleeping?

Several factors can contribute to why your 14-15 month-old baby is experiencing sleep regression. It's common for toddlers at this age to be developing new skills, which can lead to nighttime waking. Changes in their daytime nap patterns and room transitions may also disrupt their sleep.

What are Signs of a 14-15 Month Sleep Regression?

Signs of a 14-15 month sleep regression can include disrupted nighttime sleep, frequent waking, and changes in napping habits. These signs often result from developmental milestones like walking, which can lead to newfound restlessness during sleep.

Contact me to find out how we can help your little one sleep better today!

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chelsey borson baby sleep consultant

Chelsey Borson

Owner & Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Hi, I'm the founder of Luna Leaps. As a certified sleep consultant with the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, I bring expertise and compassion to helping families establish healthy sleep habits. As a mom of two, including one with special needs, I understand the struggles of sleepless nights and the toll it can take on the whole family. But with a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs, we can work together to improve sleep and overall well-being. Let's start this journey towards better sleep together.

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At Luna Leaps,  we're committed to helping your family achieve better sleep. Our expert baby sleep consultants provide personalized solutions to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits and wake up feeling refreshed.


Located in Los Angeles, CA and helping families nationwide.

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