18 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Last Updated on July 6, 2023

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant
Chelsey Borson
Certified Baby Sleep Consultant
toddler in bed with 18 month old sleep schedule text overlay

Welcome to Luna Leaps, your trusted companion on the journey to optimal sleep for your little one! As your baby grows into a vibrant 18-month-old, their sleep patterns undergo significant changes. In this blog post, we jump into the 18-month-old sleep schedule, equipping you with the knowledge and insights you need to foster a restful and rejuvenating sleep routine.

At Luna Leaps, our team of experienced sleep consultants understands the evolving needs of toddlers, and we are committed to providing expert guidance and practical solutions tailored to your child's unique sleep requirements. Let's jump into an ideal 18-month-old sleep schedule together!

What is a Sample 18 Month Old Sleep Schedule?

As your child reaches the delightful age of 18 months, their sleep schedule continues to evolve, making it essential to establish a consistent routine. Having a predictable sleep schedule not only promotes healthy sleep habits but also provides a sense of security for your little one.

To give you a starting point, here's a sample 18-month-old sleep schedule that can serve as a helpful guideline:

sample 18 month old sleep schedule by luna leaps
7:00 AMWake up
10:30 AMMorning nap
12:30 PMWake up from nap
3:00 PMShort afternoon nap
6:30 PMDinner time
7:30 PMBedtime routine
8:00 PMBedtime
Sample 18 Month Old Sleep Schedule with Naps and Wake Windows

It's important to remember that every child is unique, and their sleep needs may vary. Some 18-month-olds may transition to one longer afternoon nap, while others may still require two shorter naps. By observing your child's cues and adjusting the schedule accordingly, you can ensure they receive the restful sleep they need.

Remember, this is just a sample schedule, and you should adjust it based on your child's individual needs. The key is to create a consistent routine that prioritizes their rest and overall well-being.

What are Wake Windows for a 18 Month Old?

Understanding wake windows is crucial for maintaining a well-balanced sleep schedule for your 18-month-old. Wake windows refer to the duration of time your child can comfortably stay awake before needing to rest again. By recognizing their individual wake windows, you can prevent overtiredness and facilitate better sleep quality.

On average, most 18-month-olds can handle wake windows of approximately 4-6 hours during the day. However, it's important to note that each child is unique, and their wake windows may vary. Pay close attention to your child's behavior and cues of tiredness, such as rubbing eyes, crankiness, or decreased activity level. These indicators will help you determine the ideal wake window for your little one.

By aligning their sleep schedule with their natural rhythms, you can optimize their restorative sleep and promote overall well-being.

What is a Nap Schedule 18 Month Old?

Establishing a consistent nap schedule is essential for promoting healthy sleep patterns and providing adequate rest for your energetic 18-month-old. While every child is different, most 18-month-olds typically benefit from having one or two naps during the day.

On average, an 18-month-old may have a morning nap lasting around 1-2 hours and an afternoon nap of similar duration. However, it's important to remember that nap needs can vary. Some children may transition to one longer nap, while others may still require two shorter naps.

To determine the best nap schedule for your child, observe their behavior and cues. If they become fussy, cranky, or show signs of tiredness after a certain period of wakefulness, it may be an indication that they need a nap. Adjust their nap schedule accordingly to ensure they are well-rested and have a balanced sleep routine.

Please remember that this is just a sample schedule, and you should adapt it based on your child's individual needs. The goal is to provide a consistent routine that supports their rest and overall well-being.

18 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule & Sleep Training FAQ

As your little one approaches the 18-month mark, their sleep needs and patterns continue to evolve. In this section, we address common questions and concerns about the 18-month-old sleep schedule. Get ready to find answers and valuable guidance to help your child establish a healthy sleep routine.

How many naps should an 18-month-old typically have?

On average, an 18-month-old typically has one to two naps during the day. However, every child is unique, and their nap needs may vary. Some 18-month-olds may transition to one longer nap, while others may still benefit from two shorter naps.

What are the recommended nap durations for an 18-month-old?

The recommended nap durations for an 18-month-old generally range from 1 to 2 hours per nap. However, it's important to remember that individual sleep needs can differ. Pay attention to your child's cues and adjust the nap duration based on their behavior and overall sleep quality.

How long should my 18-month-old stay awake between naps?

On average, an 18-month-old can comfortably stay awake for about 4 to 6 hours between naps. However, each child is unique, and their individual wake windows may vary. Observe your child's behavior and adjust their nap schedule based on their cues of tiredness to ensure they get adequate rest.

Is it normal for my 18-month-old to have inconsistent nap lengths?

Yes, it is normal for an 18-month-old to have inconsistent nap lengths. Factors like growth spurts, developmental changes, or environmental disruptions can affect nap duration. As long as they are getting sufficient total sleep, occasional variations in nap lengths are generally not a concern.

How can I transition my 18-month-old from two naps to one?

To transition your 18-month-old from two naps to one, gradually adjust their schedule by shortening one of the naps while keeping the other consistent. Over time, merge the two naps into a single midday nap. Observe their sleep cues and adjust the transition pace based on their needs.

Should I wake my 18-month-old from a nap to preserve bedtime?

It is generally not recommended to wake an 18-month-old from a nap to preserve bedtime. Prioritize overall sleep needs and adjust the schedule accordingly. However, if naps consistently interfere with bedtime, gently waking them may be necessary, but it's best to ensure they are well-rested.

How can I establish a consistent bedtime routine for my 18-month-old?

To establish a consistent bedtime routine for your 18-month-old, set a regular bedtime, and follow a predictable sequence of calming activities such as a bath, pajamas, reading a book, and cuddling. Keep the routine soothing and consistent each night to signal that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

What should I do if my 18-month-old's sleep schedule is disrupted due to travel or changes in routine?

If your 18-month-old's sleep schedule is disrupted due to travel or changes in routine, try to maintain consistency as much as possible. Stick to familiar bedtime routines and sleep environments. Allow for gradual adjustments and offer extra comfort and reassurance during the transition period to help them readjust to their regular sleep schedule.

How can I encourage my 18-month-old to sleep through the night without waking up?

To encourage your 18-month-old to sleep through the night without waking up, establish a consistent bedtime routine, create a calm sleep environment, and encourage self-soothing skills. Respond to nighttime awakenings calmly and consistently, gradually allowing them to learn to self-settle and return to sleep independently.

Are there any signs that my 18-month-old is ready to drop their morning or afternoon nap?

Signs that your 18-month-old may be ready to drop a nap include consistently resisting one of the naps, taking a long time to fall asleep for a nap, or having difficulty falling asleep at bedtime. Monitor their sleep patterns and adjust the schedule accordingly to ensure they are well-rested.

Can Luna Leaps Help with My 18 Month Old's Sleep Routine?

Yes, Luna Leaps can certainly help with your 18-month-old's sleep schedule! Our team of experienced baby sleep consultants is well-equipped to provide guidance and support tailored to your child's specific needs. We understand the challenges and transitions that come with this age, and we're committed to helping you establish a healthy sleep routine.

With Luna Leaps, you can gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and personalized assistance to optimize your 18-month-old's sleep and overall well-being. Contact us today!

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant

Chelsey Borson

Owner & Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Hi, I'm the founder of Luna Leaps. As a certified sleep consultant with the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, I bring expertise and compassion to helping families establish healthy sleep habits. As a mom of two, including one with special needs, I understand the struggles of sleepless nights and the toll it can take on the whole family. But with a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs, we can work together to improve sleep and overall well-being. Let's start this journey towards better sleep together.

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At Luna Leaps,  we're committed to helping your family achieve better sleep. Our expert baby sleep consultants provide personalized solutions to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits and wake up feeling refreshed.


Located in Los Angeles, CA and helping families nationwide.

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