19 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Last Updated on July 6, 2023

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant
Chelsey Borson
Certified Baby Sleep Consultant
toddler in bed with 19 month old sleep schedule text overlay

Hey there, sleepy parents! Looking for some expert advice on nailing your 19-month-old's sleep schedule? Look no further, because Luna Leaps is here to help you catch those zzz's like a pro! We know that toddler sleep can be a puzzle, but we've got the pieces to help you solve it.

In this blog post, we'll explore what a 19-month-old sleep schedule should look like, including how much nighttime sleep, how much daytime sleep, and how much sleep total your little one needs. We'll also share our top tips and tricks to create the best bedtime routine and make the most of those precious naps. Get ready to rock your little one's sleep routine and reclaim your nights with Luna Leaps!

What is a Sample 19 Month Old Sleep Schedule?

Establishing a consistent sleep routine is essential for your 19-month-old's well-being. To ensure they're getting adequate rest, aim for a total of 11-14 hours of sleep per day, with around 10-12 hours at night and 1-2 hours of daytime sleep. Consider adjusting the schedule to include an earlier bedtime if your little one seems overtired.

A sample sleep schedule could look like this:

sample 19 month old sleep schedule by luna leaps
7:00 AMWake up
12:30 PM - 2:00 PMAfternoon Nap
6:30 PMDinner time
7:30 PMBedtime routine
8:00 PMBedtime
Sample 19 Month Old Sleep Schedule with Naps and Wake Windows

Please note that this is just a sample schedule and may not suit every child's needs.

What are Wake Windows for a 19 Month Old?

When it comes to a 19-month-old's sleep schedule, understanding wake windows is key. Wake windows simply mean the optimal time your little one can stay awake between naps or before bedtime without getting overtired. For most 19-month-olds, the ideal wake window is around 5-6 hours.

What is a Nap Schedule 19 Month Old?

Naptime is an essential part of your 19-month-old's daily routine. At this stage, most children typically have transitioned to one nap a day. This single nap usually takes place in the afternoon, providing a longer period of rest and rejuvenation.

The duration of the nap can vary, but it's generally around 1.5 to 2 hours, and up to 3 hours. It's important to create a consistent nap schedule, allowing your little one to recharge and maintain their energy levels throughout the day.

19 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule & Sleep Training FAQ

Got questions about your 19-month-old's sleep schedule? We've got you covered! In this section, we'll address some common FAQs to help you navigate your little one's sleep journey.

How many naps should my 19-month-old be taking during the day?

At 19 months, your little one will typically be transitioning from two naps to one. Most 19-month-olds thrive with a single nap during the day, usually lasting around 1.5 to 2 hours. This consolidated nap allows them to get enough rest while also preserving their bedtime routine. However, keep in mind that every child is different, so some may still benefit from two shorter naps for a little while longer.

What is the ideal nap duration for a 19-month-old?

The ideal nap duration for a 19-month-old is typically around 1.5 to 2 hours. This gives them enough time to recharge and feel refreshed. Of course, every child is unique, so the actual nap duration may vary. Some kids might take shorter naps, like around 1 hour, and that's totally okay too. The key is to observe your child's behavior and mood after their nap.

Is it normal for my 19-month-old to experience sleep regressions?

Totally normal, my friend! A sleep regression can happen at various stages of a child's development, and 19 months is no exception. It might be triggered by factors like teething, meeting milestones, or newfound independence.

Your little one may experience temporary disruptions in their sleep patterns, like more night awakenings or difficulty falling asleep. The key is to stay consistent with their bedtime routine, offer comfort and reassurance, and give them some extra love during this phase.

How can I handle it if my 19-month-old is resisting bedtime?

When your 19-month-old starts fighting sleep, it's important to stay calm and stick to a consistent routine. Create a soothing bedtime ritual with activities like reading a book, singing a lullaby, or having a cuddle session. Set clear boundaries and gently enforce them.

If they protest, offer reassurance and a gentle reminder that it's time for sleep. Be patient and consistent, and over time, they'll learn to associate bedtime with a sense of comfort and security.

Should I wake my 19-month-old from their nap to preserve bedtime?

While it may seem counterintuitive, waking your 19-month-old from their nap can actually help preserve bedtime. Ideally, you want to aim for a nap duration of around 1.5-3 hours. If your little one is still snoozing at the 3-hour mark, gently wake them up. This will ensure they're not getting too much daytime sleep, which can interfere with their nighttime sleep schedule.

How can I help my 19-month-old fall asleep independently?

Encouraging independent sleep is a valuable skill for your 19-month-old. Start by setting a consistent bedtime routine that includes soothing activities like reading or cuddling. Create a calm sleep environment and use a transitional object like a stuffed animal or blanket for comfort. Practice putting your child to bed while drowsy but still awake, allowing them to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own.

What can I do if my 19-month-old's sleep schedule is disrupted by travel?

Travel can disrupt your 19-month-old's sleep routine, but there are strategies to help ease the transition. Stick to familiar sleep cues and routines as much as possible, even while away from home. Bring along comforting items like a favorite blanket or stuffed animal. Try to maintain a consistent sleep environment by creating a dark and quiet space for naps and bedtime.

Gradually adjust to the new time zone if you're in a different location. Ultimately, be patient and understanding as your child adjusts to the changes, and soon enough, their sleep schedule will normalize once you return home.

Should I be concerned if my 19-month-old is still waking up at night?

It's not uncommon for 19-month-olds to experience nighttime awakenings. However, if it's causing significant disruption or affecting their overall sleep quality, there are steps you can take. Ensure that their sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to sleep.

Create a consistent bedtime routine and provide soothing cues to signal that it's time to sleep. Also, address any potential underlying issues, such as teething or separation anxiety. If the problem persists, consult with a pediatrician or sleep consultant to explore potential solutions.

Is it time to transition from two naps to one?

The transition from two naps to one typically happens between 12-18 months, but every child is different. Signs that your 19-month-old may be ready for the transition include consistently fighting the second nap, difficulty falling asleep for the second nap, or consistently taking shorter naps.

However, some children may continue to benefit from two naps until up to even 24 months. Pay attention to your child's sleep cues and adjust their schedule accordingly.

What can I do to establish a consistent sleep routine for my 19-month-old?

To establish a consistent sleep routine for your 19-month-old, start by setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Create a calming pre-bedtime routine that includes activities like bath time, reading books, and gentle music. Make sure their sleep environment is sleep-friendly.

Stick to the routine consistently, even on weekends or during travel. If your child struggles with sleep, consider methods used when people sleep train to help them learn self-soothing skills.

Can Luna Leaps Help with My 19 Month Old's Sleep Routine?

Certainly! Luna Leaps is your go-to when it comes to helping your 19-month-old establish a healthy sleep routine. Our team understands the unique challenges parents face during this stage of development. We are here to provide personalized guidance and practical strategies to address any sleep-related concerns you may have. From transitioning to one nap to managing bedtime battles, we've got you covered. Contact me today!

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant

Chelsey Borson

Owner & Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Hi, I'm the founder of Luna Leaps. As a certified sleep consultant with the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, I bring expertise and compassion to helping families establish healthy sleep habits. As a mom of two, including one with special needs, I understand the struggles of sleepless nights and the toll it can take on the whole family. But with a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs, we can work together to improve sleep and overall well-being. Let's start this journey towards better sleep together.

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At Luna Leaps,  we're committed to helping your family achieve better sleep. Our expert baby sleep consultants provide personalized solutions to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits and wake up feeling refreshed.


Located in Los Angeles, CA and helping families nationwide.

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