6-Month-Old Sleep Regression

Last Updated on September 28, 2023

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant
Chelsey Borson
Certified Baby Sleep Consultant
baby wearing grey beanie with 6 month regression text overlay

Have you noticed that your 6-month-old baby's sleep pattern has taken a turn? Or that they have trouble sleeping a little more than usual? Chances are your little one's sleep has been affected by the 6-month sleep regression. Don't worry! You've come to the right place.

As a certified baby sleep consultant, I'm here to help you improve your child's sleep and remedy sleep problems in no time. Just remember that every situation is different and individual consultation is highly recommended. Join me as we delve deeper into the 6-month-old regression and how it impacts your baby's sleep. For personalize assistance, just contact me for help.

Expectations for 6-Month Sleep Regression

The truth is that sleep regressions can happen at any age or month. For most parents, especially those with newborns, regressions can be a bit of a challenge.

So, what can you expect during your little one's 6-month sleep regression? Well, it's not uncommon for babies to wake more frequently during the night. You might have finally thought you had this sleep thing down, and then suddenly, your baby's nighttime sleep takes a detour.

You might also notice changes in your baby's bedtime routine or they may be resisting sleep time more. They might not be as keen on it as they used to be, and this can make the whole bedtime process a bit more challenging.

Now, it's essential to remember that while sleep regressions can be tough, they're usually temporary. Babies are resilient little beings, and with some patience and a consistent routine, you can help them navigate this phase.

Why do Babies have Sleep Regressions at 6 Months Old?

Why do babies have sleep regressions at 6 months? It's a question that many parents ponder as they navigate the ups and downs of their infant's sleep patterns. Sleep is essential for a baby's growth and development, and disruptions in their sleep can be concerning.

One significant factor contributing to 6-month sleep regressions is the development of separation anxiety. Around this age, babies become acutely aware of their surroundings and their primary caregivers. When they wake up in the middle of the night, they may realize that their parents aren't nearby, making it hard for them to fall asleep without comfort.

Another aspect to consider is the maturation of a baby's sleep cycle. At around 6 months, most babies begin to develop more adult-like sleep patterns. They transition between sleep cycles and stages, including lighter sleep. This can lead to more frequent wakings during the night as they learn to navigate these changes.

Additionally, changes in a baby's daytime routine can affect nighttime sleep. Introducing solid foods or altering feeding schedules can have unintended consequences on a baby's sleep schedule. Keeping a consistent daytime routine can help regulate their nighttime sleep.

6 Month Sleep Regression Length

The duration of 6-month sleep regression can be as unique as your baby's. However, based on observations by sleep experts, there are common trends that allow us to understand the typical length of this phase.

In most cases, 6-month sleep regression can persist for up to a couple of weeks. During this period, you may notice changes in your baby's sleep patterns, like more frequent night awakenings and difficulty falling asleep. These changes can be unsettling, especially if you're used to a more predictable sleep routine.

Several factors contribute to the variable length of this regression. For instance, many babies around this age are starting to explore solid foods but may still require night feedings for sustenance. These additional feeding sessions can disrupt sleep, leading to more frequent awakenings and bedtime battles.

 6-Month Sleep Regression Survival Tips

While 6-month sleep regression can be a cause for concern for many parents, there are several effective strategies to help you and your baby navigate this phase smoothly:

  • Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine: This routine can signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. Activities like a warm bath, a lullaby, or reading a short book can be calming and set the stage for a peaceful night's rest.

  • Maintain an Ideal Sleep Environment: Ensure that their sleep space is conducive to rest by keeping the room dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Creating a sleep-conducive atmosphere can encourage better sleep stages.

  • Promote Longer Naps: If your baby's sleep is fragmented at night, they may be overtired during the day. A well-rested baby is more likely to cope with sleep regression effectively.

  • Encourage Independent Sleep: Avoid relying on sleep associations like rocking or nursing to sleep, as this can make it harder for your baby to self-soothe and return to sleep during sleep regressions.

Remember, sleep regressions are expected in a baby's development, and they will pass.

6-Month Sleep Regression FAQs

Do All 6-Month-Old Babies Have Sleep Regression?

Not all babies go through sleep regressions, but your little one may experience it. Sleep regressions can vary from baby to baby. Some sail through it with minimal disruption, while others may have a harder time adjusting.

Remember, it's a phase in your baby's development. If it's causing significant sleep disturbances, consider seeking guidance from a Los Angeles baby sleep consulting expert.

When to Expect Recovery from 6-Month Sleep Regression?

Recovering from a 6-month sleep regression can vary, but many babies start showing improvement after a week or two. As they adjust to new skills and development, they often settle into more consistent sleep patterns. Remember, every baby is different, and patience is key during this phase.

Can a Parent Prepare for 6-Month Sleep Regression?

Yes, parents can prepare for a 6-month-old sleep regression. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is a helpful way to prepare. However, it's important to note that the sleep needs of a 6-month-old differ from those of a two-year-old.

To ensure you're meeting your baby's unique sleep requirements, consider consulting with a sleep expert who can provide personalized guidance and strategies. This can help gradually adjust your baby's sleep schedule, making the transition smoother for both you and your little one.

Is the 6 Month Sleep Regression Preventable?

Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid sleep regression for your 6-month-old. It's important to acknowledge that sleep regressions are a natural phase in your baby's development. Understanding and meeting your baby's sleep needs can significantly reduce the likelihood of sleep regression.

Will All 6-Month-Old Babies Have a Sleep Regression?

Not all 6-month-old babies will experience sleep regression, but it's essential to remain vigilant as it could affect your little one too. Babies have unique sleep patterns, and while many go through this phase, some might not.

Establishing healthy sleep schedules and routines, and heeding sleep cues can help to keep your baby on track during a regression. If you notice signs, consult a sleep expert who can guide you in maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and addressing any sleep-related concerns before they escalate.

Why is my 6-Month-Old Baby Not Sleeping?

There can be various reasons why your 6-month-old is struggling to sleep. Developmental milestones often play a significant role, as your baby learns new skills, such as rolling over or sitting up, which can make them uncomfortable in their usual sleeping position.

Changes in your baby's routine, like transitioning to solid foods, can also affect their sleep patterns. Ensure that your baby gets enough floor time during the day to expend energy and promote better sleep at night. If sleep issues persist, feel free to contact us for personalized guidance.

What are Signs of a 6 Month Sleep Regression?

Signs of a 6-month sleep regression include inconsistent sleep patterns, frequent night waking, shorter naps, and increased fussiness. Consult your baby's doctor for guidance.

Contact me to find out how we can help your 6-month old sleep better today!

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chelsey borson baby sleep consultant

Chelsey Borson

Owner & Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Hi, I'm the founder of Luna Leaps. As a certified sleep consultant with the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, I bring expertise and compassion to helping families establish healthy sleep habits. As a mom of two, including one with special needs, I understand the struggles of sleepless nights and the toll it can take on the whole family. But with a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs, we can work together to improve sleep and overall well-being. Let's start this journey towards better sleep together.

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At Luna Leaps,  we're committed to helping your family achieve better sleep. Our expert baby sleep consultants provide personalized solutions to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits and wake up feeling refreshed.


Located in Los Angeles, CA and helping families nationwide.

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