6 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Last Updated on May 25, 2023

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant
Chelsey Borson
Certified Baby Sleep Consultant
6 month old sleep schedule banner

At six months, your baby is experiencing rapid development and growth. They may have started rolling over, imitating sounds, and might even be sitting unassisted. But is better sleep part of these milestones? With the right approach, it certainly can be!

No clue about where to start? No problem! With my expertise as a certified pediatric sleep consultant and the founder of Luna Leaps, this article covers a sample 6-month-old sleep schedule you can use as a reference, including naps and a helpful FAQ section. You can use this as a guide for what you can expect with your baby's sleep cycles at this age. Use this sample as a general framework, but remember that individual differences are completely normal.

For a more personalized sleep schedule that fits your baby's needs, contact us!

What is a Sample 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule?

At 6 months, managing your baby's sleep can often mean a mix of long nights and challenging naps. But at this stage, your little one is more than ready for a sleep schedule that benefits the whole family, as their sleep cycles have started to consolidate.

Now is a great time to implement formal sleep training, as babies at this age are capable of independent sleep and staying asleep more consistently. Overall, most babies sleep better when there's a clear plan.

A typical sleep schedule for a 6-month-old can look like this:

6 month old sleep schedule
7:00 AMWake up and begin the day
8:30 amMorning nap
10:00 amAwake and engage in playtime or exploration
12:30 pmLunch and quiet activities
2:00 pmAfternoon nap
3:30 pmWake up and enjoy some playtime
5:30 pmDinner and wind down for bedtime
7:00 pmBedtime routine begins
7:30 pmFall asleep for the night
Sample 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule with Naps and Wake Windows

Establishing a solid routine will help your baby sleep at regular times and enjoy active baby play during wake windows.

Remember, every baby's sleep needs are unique. Creating a sleep plan that accommodates your baby's specific requirements is key to helping your baby—and your family—get the rest you all need.

What are Wake Windows for a 6 Month Old?

A wake window is the period a baby stays awake between sleeps. Typically lasting 2 to 3 hours, these windows are crucial for their development and give you a rough timeline of when to expect their next sleep session.

Naps throughout the day are integrated with periods of activity that align with their natural circadian rhythm, promoting both growth and a sense of restfulness.

The morning often starts with a shorter wake window, a gentle phase that leads to the first nap. As the day unfolds, your baby can handle longer wake windows, giving them more opportunities to engage and learn. By the evening, the wake window usually shortens again, helping your baby wind down for nighttime sleep.

As your baby approaches the 7-month milestone, they may show signs of needing longer wake windows as they get ready to transition to fewer naps.

However, remember that every baby's sleep needs and patterns are different. While general sleep schedules offer a blueprint, your baby's sleep cues and overall behavior are the best indicators of their needs. You can experiment with wake windows and adjust their routine to find the best balance for your baby.

What is a Nap Schedule 6 Month Old?

How many naps should a 6-month-old take? Generally, they'll need a morning nap, a post-lunch nap, and sometimes a third nap in the late afternoon, aligning with their natural sleep patterns.

At six months, your baby's daytime sleep starts to form a clearer pattern, which can provide some much-needed predictability in your day.

Typically, a 6-month-old will have two core naps: a morning nap that allows for some quiet after the bustle of breakfast, and an early afternoon nap to counter the activity of lunchtime play. These naps usually last from half an hour to a couple of hours.

For babies who need a bit more rest and are still on a three-nap schedule, a late afternoon nap can help them make it to bedtime without becoming overtired. Ultimately, the duration and number of naps will depend on how your baby responds to their daytime activities.

With their world growing bigger every day—grabbing, sitting, babbling—a 6-month-old uses a lot of energy exploring and learning. This makes those moments of rest even more crucial. Adequate sleep during these naps helps them process and retain new information more effectively.

The key is to remain flexible and responsive. If your baby is showing signs of sleepiness earlier than usual, it might be time for a nap. If they're still energetically playing past the usual naptime, they might be ready for a longer wake window.

Your baby's nap schedule should support their development, so pay close attention to their signs and needs.

6 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule FAQ

Find out what other parents are asking about their 6-month-olds' sleep schedule!

How much sleep should my 6-month-old be getting in a day?

At 6 months old, your baby should ideally be getting around 12-15 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. This includes about 10-12 hours of nighttime sleep and 2-3 naps during the day, each ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

If you're finding it challenging to establish a sleep schedule that works for your baby or if they're not meeting these general sleep guidelines, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Luna Leaps. We can work together to create a personalized sleep plan to get your baby the rest they need.

What is a typical nap schedule for a 6-month-old?

A typical nap schedule for a 6-month-old usually includes two to three naps throughout the day.

Here's a common nap schedule you'll find for a 6-month-old:

  1. First Nap: Around 8:30 am, after about an hour or so of wakefulness following morning wake-up at 7:00 am. This nap can last from 1 to 2 hours.

  2. Second Nap: Around 1:00 pm, following another 3-4 hours of wakefulness. This nap is also typically 1 to 2 hours long.

  3. Third Nap: Around 4:00 pm. This is usually a shorter nap, often around 30 minutes, to help them make it to bedtime without becoming overtired.

By 6 months, some babies start transitioning towards longer naps and may gradually move to a two-nap schedule. It's important to watch your baby's sleep behaviors and adjust the nap times accordingly to ensure they are well-rested. Regular naps help in maintaining their overall sleep schedule and contribute to better nighttime sleep.

When should I start sleep training my 6-month-old?

Starting sleep training at around 6 months old is generally considered appropriate. By now, most babies have developed the neurological maturity necessary for learning to fall asleep independently and can start to follow a more consistent sleep schedule.

They are also typically better at self-soothing. This makes it an ideal time to introduce sleep training techniques. However, it's important to consider your baby's individual development and readiness, as well as your family's needs and preferences.

If you're considering sleep training and looking for personalized guidance, reach out to us here at Luna Leaps. We offer individualized advice and support to ensure the process is gentle, effective, and suited to your baby's specific needs.

How can I establish a bedtime routine for my 6-month-old?

Establishing a bedtime routine for a 6-month-old can include:

  • A warm bath

  • Quiet storytime

  • Dimming the lights to create a calm environment

  • Calming music

The goal is creating a bedtime routine is to keep is consistent day in and day out. This creates predictability for your baby and allows them to recognize "Hey, we're doing xyz...it must be time for sleep!'.

It's helpful to put your baby down drowsy but awake to encourage independent sleep. If your baby is already drifting off to sleep in your arms, you've missed the target. The key is to put them down while they are still awake.

Is it normal for my 6-month-old to wake up during the night?

Night waking refers to a baby's common habit of waking up during the night. And yes, it's normal for a 6-month-old to wake up during the night. Night waking can be caused by a multitude of reasons, such as hunger, the need for comfort, illness, teething, dependence on sleep props, or developmental milestones.

If frequent night awakenings are a concern, Luna Leaps can help assess and address these issues with a tailored approach to improve your baby's sleep.

Should I be concerned if my 6-month-old has shorter or inconsistent naps?

It's not uncommon for 6-month-olds to have shorter or inconsistent naps. Naps can be tricky to nail down and are often the last part of a baby's sleep that becomes solidified when implementing any type of schedule. Also, some little ones just prefer cat naps overall and never take long naps!

However, if you notice persistent difficulties with napping or overall sleep that affect your baby's mood or health, it might be helpful to seek guidance from a baby sleep consultant.

How can I help my 6-month-old transition from co-sleeping to their own crib?

Transitioning your 6-month-old from co-sleeping to their own crib involves patience and gradual steps.

Start by making the crib a familiar and comfortable space, perhaps by placing it in your room initially. Even the best sleepers may experience separation anxiety when they're suddenly placed in a different room.

Introduce the crib during nap times first, to associate it with positive sleep experiences. Consistently following a soothing bedtime routine can also help.

What can I do if my 6-month-old is having difficulty falling asleep independently?

Falling asleep independently is a skill your baby has to learn with continued practice. If your 6-month-old is having difficulty falling asleep on their own, it could be because they haven't had enough practice or they may have a preferred sleep association, such as being rocked or nursed to sleep.

To help foster independent sleep, we suggest continuing with a consistent predictable bedtime routine. This routine not only signals to your baby that it's time for sleep but allows for some bonding time before bed as well.

Furthermore, placing your baby in their crib while they are still awake is vital. This can promote the development of self-soothing skills, allowing them to settle themselves to sleep. Though they may initially protest in the early days, they will eventually learn to put themselves to sleep unassisted.

How can I handle sleep regressions that may occur around the 6-month mark?

Establishing a steady sleep schedule and a consistent bedtime routine is key to managing sleep regressions around the 6-month mark. It's important to provide comfort during wake-ups while avoiding the formation of new sleep associations.

Remember to be patient, as regressions are temporary and are often tied to developmental leaps.

Can Luna Leaps Help with My 6-Month-Old's Sleep Routine?

Under my dedicated guidance, Luna Leaps has been devoted to assisting babies, including those at the 6-month stage, in developing optimal sleep habits. Our expertise lies in understanding and tackling the distinct sleep hurdles that babies face at this age.

Our approach involves a thorough evaluation of your baby's current sleep situation, enabling us to create a custom plan aimed at improving their sleep habits. Our goal is to help you gain an understanding of common issues like sleep regressions and difficulties in achieving independent sleep. Our ultimate target is to establish a consistent and effective sleep routine that is perfectly suited to your baby's individual needs.

Feel free to contact us for personalized assistance and support.

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant

Chelsey Borson

Owner & Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Hi, I'm the founder of Luna Leaps. As a certified sleep consultant with the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, I bring expertise and compassion to helping families establish healthy sleep habits. As a mom of two, including one with special needs, I understand the struggles of sleepless nights and the toll it can take on the whole family. But with a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs, we can work together to improve sleep and overall well-being. Let's start this journey towards better sleep together.

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At Luna Leaps,  we're committed to helping your family achieve better sleep. Our expert baby sleep consultants provide personalized solutions to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits and wake up feeling refreshed.


Located in Los Angeles, CA and helping families nationwide.

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