8-10 Month Old Sleep Regression

Last Updated on September 28, 2023

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant
Chelsey Borson
Certified Baby Sleep Consultant
baby sleeping on bed with blanket and text overlay 8-10 month sleep regression

Around 8-10 months, it's not uncommon for your little one to suddenly develop erratic sleep patterns. You may find your baby having shorter sleep periods or waking more frequently, or you may see them physically fighting sleep. Given no other changes in routine, all signs would point to an 8-10 month sleep regression.

As a baby sleep coach, I know how stressful maintaining good sleep habits can be when your baby has been hit with a sleep regression. Don't worry! While every sleep schedule and situation is unique, I'm here to help you navigate the tricky world of regressions and provide solutions for both you and your baby. Contact me for a personalize plan.

What to Expect in 8-10 Month Sleep Regression?

When it comes to either the 8-month sleep regression, 9-month sleep regression, or 10-month sleep regression, there's a multitude of changes that can affect your little one's sleep patterns. It's crucial to understand these shifts to navigate this period effectively.

First, expect disrupted sleep. Your baby might have previously been a sound sleeper, but during this regression, they might wake up more frequently during the night. It's a common phase as they go through developmental milestones and sleep cycles adjust.

Second, be prepared for a nap transition. Your baby's daytime sleep schedule might change, and they may resist naps they once took easily. This can be challenging, but it's part of their growth and development.

Furthermore, falling asleep independently can become an issue. During this regression, babies may need more help falling asleep, which can disrupt their sleep patterns. It's crucial to continue to encourage independent sleep during this period.

To manage the 8-10 month sleep regression effectively, consider seeking support from a baby sleep consultant. These experts can provide tailored guidance to address your baby's specific needs, helping you and your little one transition through this phase with as minimal disruptions as possible.

Why do Babies have Sleep Regressions at 8-10 Months Old?

There are several reasons why babies experience sleep regression between 8 to 10 months of age.

Nap transitions can play a significant role. Around 8-10 months, babies often transition from three naps to two. This change in their daytime sleep routine can disrupt their overall sleep patterns.

Developmental milestones are also at play. Babies at this age are usually learning to crawl, pull themselves up, or even take their first steps. These newfound skills can cause excitement and restlessness, making it challenging for them to settle down at night.

Additionally, separation anxiety tends to peak during this period. Babies may become more aware of being apart from their caregivers, leading to nighttime wake-ups and trouble sleeping.

If you chose to sleep train your child prior to their regression, we suggest keeping up with the methods you learned during that training to keep your child on track as much as possible.

Length of 8-10 Month Sleep Regression

The duration of the 8-10 month sleep regression can vary for each baby. Regressions can last anywhere from a few days to multiple weeks. These variations depend on various factors, including the baby's unique sleep patterns, development, and environment.

This regression typically emerges due to a combination of factors, such as developmental milestones, nap transitions, and separation anxiety. As these factors converge, they can disrupt a baby's sleep patterns, leading to trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and increased night waking.

Ultimately, remembering that sleep regressions can be complex and may not always follow a fixed timeframe is crucial.

Tips for Surviving 8-10 Month Sleep Regression

Navigating the 8-10 month sleep regression can be challenging, but there are several strategies to help your baby through this phase.

  • Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine: By creating a calming and predictable pre-sleep ritual, you can signal to your baby that it's time to wind down and sleep.

  • Ensure Enough Daytime Sleep: Proper naps are crucial for preventing overtiredness, which can exacerbate sleep issues. Be attentive to their sleep cues and adjust their nap schedule accordingly.

  • Monitor Physical Milestones: Babies at this age may be achieving new developmental feats, such as crawling or standing. These milestones can disrupt sleep patterns temporarily, so it's important to provide plenty of floor time and opportunities for practice during the day.

If your baby experiences sleep disruptions, try to remain patient and understanding. It's common for babies to become more fussy during this phase. Offering comfort and reassurance can make a huge difference in helping them settle back to sleep at night.

8, 9, and 10 Month Sleep Regression FAQs

Do All 8-10-Month-Old Babies Have Sleep Regression?

Not all babies aged 8 to 10 months experience sleep regression, but it's more common than you might think. Sleep regression at this age can manifest in various ways, such as increased nighttime awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, or inconsistent nap patterns.

If your baby shows these signs and it disrupts their previously consistent routine, it may indicate sleep regression. It's important to remember that every baby is unique, and while some may sail through this phase, others might find it more challenging.

If you're concerned about your baby's sleep habits or are struggling with sleep issues, consulting with an infant sleep expert can provide valuable guidance and help establish an appropriate sleep schedule tailored to your baby's needs.

When to Expect Recovery from 8-10 Month Sleep Regression?

When it comes to sleep regressions, babies in this age range typically start to show signs of improvement within a few weeks. This improvement may manifest as more consistent night sleep, fewer nighttime awakenings, and better naps.

However, if you find yourself feeling frustrated or worried about your baby's sleep regression, remember that you're not alone. Working with a Los Angeles baby sleep consultant can provide valuable support and guidance, ensuring your infant has the opportunity to establish healthy sleep habits.

Can a Parent Prepare for 8-10 Month Sleep Regression?

Yes, parents can prepare for the 8 to 10-month sleep regression. Be on the look out for signs like sleep disruption and shifting wake times.

To prepare, we suggest maintaining a consistent bedtime routine and healthy sleep habits. Studies have emphasized a solid bedtime routine's importance in helping babies fall and stay asleep.

Can Sleep Training Occur during 8-10 Month Sleep Regressions?

Indeed, sleep training can be a valuable strategy to help during the 8 to 10-month sleep regression. It's both possible and effective in helping your infant move through this phase. For instance, having a 10-month-old sleep schedule can be a helpful tool to keep you on track during this tricky period.

Sleep training methods may involve establishing consistent bedtime routines, managing sleep times, and guiding your baby to fall asleep independently. Scientific studies emphasize the importance of these new sleep habits for a smoother transition.

Is the 8-10 Month Sleep Regression Preventable?

No, sleep regressions at any age are unfortunately not preventable. Sleep regressions are a natural and often expected part of a baby's life, and are most frequently caused by changes in the baby's development. However, you can prepare for sleep regressions by sticking to sleep training methods you've implemented for your baby to maintain healthy sleep habits.

Will All 8-10-Month-Old Babies Have a Sleep Regression?

No, not all babies will experience sleep regression within this age range. While it's common, some infants smoothly transition through this phase with minimal disturbance. Having a proper age-appropriate sleep schedule, such as a 9-month-old sleep schedule, can help to minimize disruptions and get baby back on track.

Why is my 8-10 Month Old Baby Not Sleeping?

Several factors, such as developmental changes and nap transitions, can affect sleep at this age. If you're concerned about your baby's sleep, inquire here to see how Luna Leaps can help.

What are the Signs of an 8-10 Month Sleep Regression?

Signs may include increased night wakings, difficulty falling asleep, fussiness, and changes in nap patterns. If you notice these, it might be a sleep regression.

Contact me to find out how we can help your little one sleep better today!

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chelsey borson baby sleep consultant

Chelsey Borson

Owner & Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Hi, I'm the founder of Luna Leaps. As a certified sleep consultant with the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, I bring expertise and compassion to helping families establish healthy sleep habits. As a mom of two, including one with special needs, I understand the struggles of sleepless nights and the toll it can take on the whole family. But with a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs, we can work together to improve sleep and overall well-being. Let's start this journey towards better sleep together.

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At Luna Leaps,  we're committed to helping your family achieve better sleep. Our expert baby sleep consultants provide personalized solutions to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits and wake up feeling refreshed.


Located in Los Angeles, CA and helping families nationwide.

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