9 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Last Updated on May 29, 2023

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant
Chelsey Borson
Certified Baby Sleep Consultant
9 month old sleep schedule banner

As your baby hits the 9-month mark, you'll be amazed at their crawling, standing, and maybe even cruising along furniture. Sleep can become a bit of a puzzle with these exciting milestones and they start experiencing sleep regression.

This is where a structured sleep schedule becomes important. It can help them fall asleep with ease and wake up well-rested.

Crafting healthy sleep habits now supports their rapid development. That's why I've created a 9-month-old sleep sample schedule to help most babies transition smoothly through sleep training and into longer nighttime sleep.

But remember, mama, each child's needs are unique, so if this blueprint doesn't fit perfectly, Luna Leaps is just a message away, ready to tailor a sleep strategy just for your little one. Contact us, we are always glad to help!

What is a Sample 9 Month Old Sleep Schedule?

Your baby's world is expanding rapidly at 9 months. But you remain the focal point of their day. As endearing and heartwarming it sounds, it also means they look more for you. They experience separation anxiety strongly and might resist sleep unless they cling to you.

My sample schedule is designed to address the sleep challenges of this stage.

9 month old sleep schedule
7:00 AMWake up and morning routine
9:00 AMMorning nap
10:30 AMWake up and playtime
12:30 PMLunch
2:00 PMAfternoon nap
3:30 PMWake up and engage in stimulating activities
5:30 PMDinner
6:30 PMCalming activities, bath time
7:30 PMBedtime routine and lullabies
8:00 PMBedtime
Sample 9 Month Old Sleep Schedule with Naps and Wake Windows

Consider this guide a roadmap to help you manage your baby's day, from the first burst of morning energy to the last yawn before night.

Their day starts at 7:00 am when the baby wakes. Set a consistent wake-up time that includes a nourishing breakfast.

Your little one should take a morning nap around 9:00 am. This is after a period of lively interaction and baby play. Morning short naps bring a much-needed respite and support cognitive development.

Their afternoon is a time for engaging activities to fill the gap until the afternoon nap at 2:00 pm. This is a time when they can pause and recharge.

A calming bedtime routine begins around 6:30 pm. This is to help them transition from the day's excitement to nighttime tranquility.

Bedtime is at 7:30 pm, it's essential for their next day's adventures.

This sample schedule can help combat common issues like baby sleep regression by balancing wake windows, naps, and nighttime sleep.

While this schedule provides structure, every child's rhythm is unique.

If your 9-month-old requires a personalized sleep schedule, reach out to Luna Leaps. We specialize in customizing sleep strategies for your little star.

What are Wake Windows for a 9 Month Old?

Wake windows refer to the period of time a baby is awake between sleeps. They are the maximum amount of time a baby can tolerate being awake between naps or before bedtime.

Wake windows for a 9-month-old are essential intervals that structure their day, so they aren't awake for too long and don't become overtired.

The first wake window starts bright between 7:00 am and 9:00 am. This 2-hour stretch is filled with breakfast and stimulating play.

Post-nap, your baby enjoys active play until the afternoon nap at 2:00 pm. This longer wake window allows for developmental activities and meal times.

There's an engaging period following the afternoon nap before the wind-down routine starts at 6:30 pm and bedtime.

These windows are critical for regulating sleep schedules. They prevent overtiredness and aid in sleep training. They also help predict when your baby will next be ready for sleep, so they receive the rest they need to thrive.

What is a Nap Schedule 9 Month Old?

Your baby's nap schedule is a delicate balance that nurtures growth and well-being. Typically, two naps fit perfectly into their day:

Morning nap: After a filling breakfast and engaging morning activities, a nap around 9:00 am gives your baby the rest needed to absorb new experiences.

Afternoon nap: The second nap after lunch, at about 2:00 pm, allows your little one to recharge for the afternoon's playful discoveries.

Each nap should ideally last 1-2 hours to prevent overtiredness and support babies' sleep during the night.

Proper naps are important for physical and cognitive development. It aids in everything from mood regulation to memory consolidation. A well-rested baby is also more likely to embrace sleep training, so bedtime routines are smoother for everyone.

9 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule FAQ

Other parents are also asking questions about 9 month old sleep schedule. Read below!

How many naps should my 9-month-old take each day?

Most 9-month-olds thrive on two naps a day. You can drop the third nap around this age because it can interfere with night sleep.

Typically, a morning nap after breakfast and an early afternoon nap post-lunch provide ample rest without overdoing it.

It's important to watch for signs of tiredness. If your baby resists the last nap or it affects bedtime, it's time to adjust nap time schedules.

What is the ideal nap duration for a 9-month-old?

The ideal nap duration for a 9 month old is usually about 1 to 2 hours. This amount of daytime sleep helps guarantee they're getting the rest they need without impacting night sleep.

Keep an eye on their nap lengths. If they're consistently too short or too long, it may be worth evaluating their overall sleep needs.

Remember, the goal is a well-rested baby who's ready for learning and growth. If you're unsure about how much daytime sleep is right for your little one, reach out to Luna Leaps for a sleep assessment and personalized advice.

How do I establish a consistent bedtime routine for my 9-month-old?

Consistent bedtime routine for your 9-month-old can create a calming signal for sleep.

Start by choosing a regular bedtime, ideally between 7 and 8 pm. Incorporate soothing activities like a warm bath, gentle massage, a quiet story, or soft lullabies. Keep the environment dimly lit to reinforce the idea that it's time to wind down.

Consistency is key, so try to follow the same steps in the same order each night. This predictability helps your baby understand that it's time to sleep.

Should I wake my 9-month-old from naps to maintain their bedtime schedule?

As a general rule, it's best not to wake your 9-month-old from naps to maintain their bedtime schedule.

However, a gentle awakening might be necessary if the nap is extending late into the evening and might disrupt their bedtime.

The goal is to balance enough daytime sleep with a consistent bedtime. If your baby's naps are consistently affecting nighttime sleep, it may be time to adjust their nap schedule.

How long should my 9-month-old stay awake between naps?

At 9 months old, your baby should ideally stay awake for about 2.5 to 3.5 hours between naps.

Every baby is different, but this range typically works well for this age group. It's important to watch for signs of tiredness and adjust the awake time accordingly. If they're rubbing their eyes or getting fussy sooner, it might be time for a nap a bit earlier.

Likewise, if they seem alert and happy, they might be able to stay up a little longer. Remember, consistent wake windows can significantly contribute to establishing a stable sleep pattern for your baby.

What can I do if my 9-month-old has difficulty falling asleep at bedtime?

Creating a calming bedtime routine can help.

This could include a warm bath, gentle massage, soft lullabies, or reading a quiet story. Make sure the sleep environment is conducive to rest: cool, dark, and quiet.

Follow this routine every night to help ingrain the habit and fall asleep faster.

Also, make sure they're not overtired by the time bedtime rolls around, so watch for their sleep cues earlier in the evening.

If challenges persist, you might consider reaching out to us at Luna Leaps.

Is it normal for my 9-month-old to wake up during the night?

Yes, it's normal for a 9-month-old to wake up during the night.

Babies may experience developmental milestones, teething, or changes in sleep patterns that can disrupt their sleep. Some night wakings could also be due to hunger or the need for comfort.

Your baby must have a comfortable sleep environment and a consistent bedtime routine.

If this becomes frequent or problematic, consider evaluating their daytime naps, overall sleep schedule, and bedtime routine.

How can I handle 9 month sleep regressions?

You can handle 9-month sleep regressions by establishing a consistent bedtime routine and making sure your baby has a comfortable, sleep-friendly environment.

Maintain patience and stick to your routine to provide a sense of security when dealing with regression.

Offer comfort if they wake during the night, but try to avoid creating new habits that may disrupt sleep long-term.

Encourage active play and during the day while ensuring they get adequate naps to avoid overtiredness.

If regressions persist or significantly disrupt sleep, consider consulting a pediatric sleep expert for tailored strategies.

Are there any signs that indicate my 9-month-old is ready to transition to one nap?

Here are signs that your 9-month-old might be ready to transition to one nap:

  • consistently refusing the second nap

  • showing less tiredness during usual nap times

  • or having difficulty falling asleep for naps and bedtime

They might be adjusting to a longer wake window if they're staying awake for longer periods without signs of overtiredness and their morning nap is extending.

However, this transition usually happens closer to 12-15 months, so at 9 months, it's more likely they still need two naps.

Always observe your baby's behavior and mood for cues. Remember, every child's development is unique.

Can Luna Leaps Help with My 9 Month Old's Sleep Routine?

We specialize in creating tailored sleep strategies for babies at every stage to help them experience the gift of peaceful sleep, including your 9-month-old.

We understand that this age can be particularly challenging due to developmental leaps and sleep regressions.

Our approach focuses on your baby's unique needs and crafting a sleep routine that promotes healthy, restful nights and joyful days.

Whether it's refining nap schedules, establishing consistent bedtime routines, or managing sleep regressions, we're here to guide you through.

Reach out to us for personalized, compassionate support in developing a sleep plan that helps your little one—and you—get the rest you deserve.

Let's make those sleep challenges a thing of the past!

chelsey borson baby sleep consultant

Chelsey Borson

Owner & Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Hi, I'm the founder of Luna Leaps. As a certified sleep consultant with the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, I bring expertise and compassion to helping families establish healthy sleep habits. As a mom of two, including one with special needs, I understand the struggles of sleepless nights and the toll it can take on the whole family. But with a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs, we can work together to improve sleep and overall well-being. Let's start this journey towards better sleep together.

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At Luna Leaps,  we're committed to helping your family achieve better sleep. Our expert baby sleep consultants provide personalized solutions to help your little one establish healthy sleep habits and wake up feeling refreshed.


Located in Los Angeles, CA and helping families nationwide.

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